
AirportParkingBuddy.com was founded in 2015 by William Jennings, a seasoned travel writer and airport parking expert. After decades of navigating airport parking across the country, William realized there was a need for a comprehensive resource to help travelers find and compare parking options.

William Jennings has been writing about travel, aviation, and transportation for over 20 years. He is a regular contributor to industry publications like Airports Magazine, Parking Today, and Airport Business. His articles have provided tips and insights to millions of readers on navigating airport parking.

As a frequent business traveler logging thousands of miles per year, William has first-hand experience dealing with the hassles and expenses of airport parking. After missing too many flights due to expensive on-site lots filling up, William became determined to uncover better parking solutions.

He began extensively researching off-site parking options near major airports, evaluating factors like price, security, shuttle frequency and customer reviews. He started sharing his discoveries with friends and colleagues who were equally frustrated with the parking situation at airports. The positive feedback confirmed the public need for a comprehensive airport parking directory.

William started AirportParkingBuddy.com as a place where travelers can find honest, unbiased information on airport parking. With data on over 350 airports worldwide, travelers can easily compare on-site and off-site parking rates and amenities.

The website also provides insider tips and parking guidance from William’s decades of experience navigating airport parking. From avoiding parking scams to understanding airport codes, William provides travelers with the knowledge needed to confidently choose the best parking option.

As founder of AirportParkingBuddy.com, William Jennings continues his tireless research into airport parking to provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive information for travelers. His mission is to take the stress out of airport parking so travelers can focus on more important things — like enjoying their trips.